I like working with paper, mostly because you can easily cut it and also most of the time it holds its shape whatever you do with it. It looked like a good idea to use it for my project. I choose to go with different kinds of paper. For the first 'try' I used white vibe pattern paper and created few 'flocks'. I used simple origami technic - when you take two stripes of paper and fold them one over the other:
Then I arranged the 'flocks' into few different intersections. I like the fact that even I used white paper on a white background, with a help of light and shadows it still creates quite interesting forms:
For the next project I used coloured paper and metallic paper, using the same technic for folding:
Here are some of the outcomes:
Then I played with Photoshop and put in the image a group of 'visitors' that attended an exhibition. Isn't it funny?