Monday, 9 March 2015


'My Home, My Nest...'

Porcelain eggs with other materials, the nest made of dry grass and branches.


According to a contemporary article Limerick Chronicle dated December 1834:
  ...the fine brig Thetis...foundered an Monday night or early yesterday morning, upon Beale bar in the Shannon, when the wind blew furiously from the west".

Thetis was laden with a cargo of timber from Quebec, destined for the famous Limerick merchant Francis Spaight. Due to the heavy storms, she ran aground and was never salvaged. The remains of her hull could be seen until very recently ...

My ceramic pieces are modeled on the remains of the shipwreck Thetis. I made my work to commemorate all ships lost in the wild ocean off the Irish west coast, and also as a momento to the hard-working sailors, many of whom lost their lives in such catastrophic events.

Remains of Thetis as seen in 2012...

photo: Zuzana Jezikova

...and after January 2014...

photo: Zuzana Jezikova


Packaging Project - Pouring Vessels

Forms and shapes of these vessels were inspired by old-style corroded oil tin containers.

Marvel Mystery Oil after bisque firing...


...and after glazing...

Some other samples of vessels from this project...

Some of my older paintings...

'Baloonseller in Granada'

'Gerry and Plane'

'Japanese Drummer'


'Tommy in Farranshone'

Hunt Museum Project- Cup and Soucer - King Lear

Hunt Museum Project - Wind Chime King Lear

Ethnic Project - Viking Boat Dish