This project is based on a contrast between innocent childhood and impact that war experience has on a human life. That is why I choose to go strictly for only black and white colour. I also choose an army tin mug as a reference to a war. This is an image of tin mug that I found on a Skirmish Line Relics website (
First I made few mockups of the mug in black and white paper and I used a bit of wire for handles:
Then I applied few stencil images on the surface of the mug and also on the base to create the impression of an event and its shadow, as a cause and a consequence of anything that we do:
I found the images of soldiers, crosses and a boy with a kite too loud, so I decided to go with a symbolism which a lamb and a wolf represent. This idea appeared far more subtle to me. I do not like to use symbols of animals in its biased way (a lamb - a pray, a wolf - a predator), but in this context I found it appropriate:
I have made two mugs in clay and after they were bisque fired I applied the images of a lamb on them. I blocked out the image of the sheep with PVA and stained the rest with underglaze paint. I left one mug jet black and washed some of the paint from the other one:
I used the negative effect on the tray when I left the base white and painted the wolf in black:
After the firing I glazed the tray and one of the mugs with a transparent glaze and varnished the full black coloured mug with a glossy varnish. Here is the result on white, dark red and green background:

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